
I could not wait to make these crosses. The cross is a symbol of what Christ did for us and when I look at it that is what I think about. Yes, I love Christmas because that is when Christ entered the world in bodily form which was the beginning of his earthly ministry but I truly love the season the celebrates his death and resurrection because that is when he completed his earthy ministry and finished the work he came to do. Resurrection time is another triumphant event that took place as well as his birth. I had joy in making these crosses just as I had joy in each Oh Holy Night glass block  I made during Christmastime.
I am still trying to make up my mind if I am going to add a bow and a few flowers to the center of each of these. I really think it looks beautiful as is. These crosses are made to order so let me know if you want me to make you one.  April 21st is when we observe Christ's death and resurrection so you still have around 6 weeks to get one in time to display before the Holiday. I will say just about the crosses just as I said hearts being associated and love being associated with Valentines and February, the cross is not just for during the time we observe Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and the Resurrection of Christ its an everyday reminder of what the Lord did for us. He gave his life a sacrifice to save ours. This is why I wear mine daily and never take it off because its my reminder of what Christ did on my behalf.

Both wreaths were built on a wire cross frame that measures 27" high and 25 inches wide. It's the perfect size for above a fireplace mantel or on your front door that is screened in or just to display on your wall in any room you choose as a reminder of your salvation in Christ.

The purple one is made with deco mesh and the mint green and white one is made with Tulle.

Tulle Cross Price $ 35.00

Deco Mesh Cross Price $ $35.00

Local pick up only for now unless we work out a shipping and handling price to have it sent to you. If you want one shipped to you send me a email at

A non refundable 50% deposit is required on all made to order crosses. Choose your color and choice of either deco mesh or Tulle. Send me an email at or send me a private message via my facebook group "Walk in Creativity"
