I love a Wedding
I think a Wedding is the most beautiful expression of love between two people who only want to be with each other as a couple for the rest of their lives. To stand before God, family and friends and pledge your love for one another is priceless. You have made a commitment to stay together forever through the good and bad times. The covenant of marriage is a serious thing. I love seeing people post with pride the longevity of their marriages and share stories of their journey together. Who doesn’t love a wedding, all the beautiful decorations, the bride and the groom, the wedding party, the families of the Bride and Groom all dressed up. Emotions are running high.What a beautiful site to witness Love. In the spirit of love and the union of marriage I created this heart shaped wreath. I would love to be involved in some degree to adding beauty to your special day. I have a few things available on my website that are wedding themed. I will also be taking orders for customized wedding wreaths (round or heart shaped with the same materials pictured) and or table decorations for anyone interested. Please contact me so we can work our the details of what you want and how soon you need it. I would love to share in the joy and happiness of your day. Please send emails to me at walkincreativity@gmail.com you can also along with the email shoot me a private message via facebook if you are on social media. I can also be found on instagram under Walk_in_Creativity. Don’t wait, contact me now most weddings take place beginning as early May and ending as late as September. June is the most popular month. The sooner you plan the better to insure that everything you want and need for your special day can be made and delivered before the Blessed Event. Love, God’s Blessing and Congratulations to all those engaged and waiting with anticipation for your special day to arrive. Walk in Creativity is so happy for the two of you. PROM DAY Note: My heart shaped and or round wreaths can also be used as Prom decorations. Proms usually take place between March and June so its not too late. You tell me the colors you want and I will make them to order for you. I can still remember my H.S. Prom it, was a time of excitement and beauty. Although my parents didn’t decorate the house for my Prom I have seen over the years many who decorate inside and out for their kids Proms. Feel free to send me an email or a private message if you are interested in placing an order for either to add to the decorating color scheme for your teens special Prom event.

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