Christmas Traditions
I am all about creativity and style. I am an afro boho glam decorator. My primary home colors are gold, black and white. You will find my home decorated in these colors for my everyday decor but when Christmas roles around other colors are incorporated. I am a traditional Christmas decorator. I put my bling and fanciness on hold for 4 months. Christmas for me is color: bright lively colors like red, green and gold. I sorta revert back to childhood when it comes to decorating for the Christmas season. The memories I have are so warm and loving. Christmas was always made special by my parents and grandparents. When I think of those Christmases I see red, green and gold. I see bowls of hard candies and mixed nuts. I have memories of my dad cracking open walnuts (with the silver nutcracker or two nuts between his hands) and enjoying the taste of every one he removed from its shell. I remember silver tinsel hanging on the tree as well as angel hair around the C9 colored lights (this was bef...