Race for the Cure

On May 13, 2018 there will be a Race in Philadelphia and Walk in Creativity is planning to attend. I want to walk in memory of my grandmother Josephine who died of breast cancer when I was a young child. I never got to know my grandmother for I was too young to remember her. All these decades later I still carry her in my heart sight unseen and hold a love fore her even though I have no memories of her. She was my Dad’s mom. A percentage from all proceeds that I make I plan to donate to breast cancer research. When you buy from Walk in Creativity you help me to donate to a cause that has affected millions of women around the world in one way or another. I am doing it for the survivors and the ones whom the disease took hoping maybe one day a cure can be found and another life doesn’t have to be lost because of the horrible disease.
Walk in Creativity
In Memory of you Grandmother, I love you! ❤
