The Heart Collection

A few months back I told you I was coming out with a heart collection and what better time to start listing some of the pieces I made exclusively for the collection. February is just around the corner. Although we should put on love everyday in regards to engaging with others February is the month that many celebrate "Love day", that is what I call it, but its known to many as Valentine's Day. The dictionary's definition of Valentine is a card sent, often anonymously on (February 14) to a person one loves or is attracted to.
Now, other things pertaining to the massacre I reference not or take no part in. I also read about St. Valentine of Rome who was a temple priest who was executed near Rome by the anti-Christian Emperor Claudius II. The crime? Helping Roman soldiers to marry when they were forbidden to by the Christian faith at the time.( I was not there to validate either event I only read about them both during research). What I celebrate is Love something God wants us to show one toward another. I love "LOVE" more than likely because God is love and I know he put an unexplainable measure of it within me that I am not ashamed of. Never be ashamed to show love for fear of looking soft, quirky or a pushover. I am a sucker for love at times, lol The Bibles speaks volumes about love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-13. The Bible says husbands should love their wives like Christ loves the church and it also says that it is love that binds us one to another. So I approve of displays of love. Actions speak louder than words.
As I continue to create my pieces to display, here is a sneak peek at a few sure to brighten any table in your home displaying its beautiful hearts which are a symbol of love. Can you envision these as a part of a beautiful table setting with candles and a beautiful tablecloth underneath them along with a home cooked meal to greet your husband or wife when they come home from work or for a special planned meal for the two of you at any given day. As I make new pieces I will take pictures and share them with you via my website. Just let me me know if its something you are interested in and I will careful pack them in a box and ship them to you for you and your loved ones to enjoy. Prices will be listed on the website in the next 24 hours or you can send me a PM for more information about each pieces or several pieces bought as a set.
God Bless you all and show love one to another always, its what God wants us to do.
Peace and Blessings.
Walk in Creativity!


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